The school in Jorhat was opened on 16th January 1967 by the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, an indigenous educational body of wide and long experience. It is a Catholic School established and administered by the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel. The school is under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Dibrugarh.
Carmel School, Jorhat had its beginning in the small building at Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat. The invitation to open a school there was extended to them by the director of RRL in 1966. The school was then shifted to the present location at Cinnamara, in 1973.
The School aims at the education of the Catholic Community around and extends its services to members of other communities to the extent possible. The school stands for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation based on the love of God and service to humanity as modelled in Jesus Christ, with a view to training citizens remarkable for all round development and sincere commitment to God and country.
The students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Examination (ICSE) conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certified Examinations, New Delhi. It is recognised by the universities in India. This examination ensures a general education without premature specialization, as all candidates are required to appear for all the subjects.
The medium of instruction at all levels is English. However, either Assamese or Hindi is compulsory as a second language. Students of Classes V to VIII are offered Hindi or Assamese as a third language.
In conformity with the objective of the school to lay emphasis on “moral and spiritual values” a course of moral or religious instruction is an essential part of the curriculum. Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) and work experience is stressed by the School authorities, as directed by the Council at Delhi. Work Experience includes service such as keeping the classrooms and the School campus clean.
Physical exercise, art and craft, singing, aerobics, games and sports, general knowledge, service learning, educational tours, literary and cultural activities and other school activities are part of the General Education given to the students.
The school has a Literary Club, Art Club, Science Club, Sports Club, NCC, Spice Club (spread Peace, improve and Converse Environment) and Carmel Blossoms.
There is a library made available to the students. The other infrastructure is two computer labs (junior and senior) with 60 computers, two audio visual rooms, well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratories and a large auditorium used for assemblies and for class activities.