I am privileged and glad to be associated with Carmel School in a leadership role. I wish you a warm welcome here and thank you for choosing Carmel School for your child. I hope that while your child is with us that he/she will develop into a mature, happy, responsible young adult.
Each student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents and here at Carmel School, we hope that with motivation and hard work that all our students will discover their individual talents. We acknowledge that parents are the primary educators. Our teachers work in co-operation with the parents to help each individual student to reach their potential.
All we strive to achieve is carried out under the guidance of an Apostolic Carmel ethos. Mother Veronica, the founder of the Apostolic Carmel, considered education as a powerful, relevant and effective means for the transformation of society. A concern for those less fortunate than ourselves is promoted as a thrust towards moral and spiritual formation of our students. I wish all of our students all round success fuelled by hard work, discipline and consistent effort.
Thank you.